You’ve probably heard the sayings,
Self-fulfilling prophecy
You find what you’re looking for
The eye sees what the mind is looking for
The part of our brain called the RAS (Reticular Activating System), has a filter that filters out everything that it deems unimportant to us and focuses in on what it thinks is important.
For example, when you buy a blue Honda, you all of a sudden notice all the blue Hondas on the road. They have always been there, but they were filtered out until your RAS believes them to be important.
This is why it would work to your advantage to be incredibly intentional with what you put it to work noticing.
It could be something like, “I wonder how I’m going to figure out how to do this.”
It will then go to work figuring out how you’re going to do it.
The key is consistency.
If you flutter back and forth between I can, and I can’t do the thing, you’re not allowing the I Can thought to really play out.
Be intentional with the thought you put it to work proving and see what happens!!
#RAS #Focus #whatyoupayattentiontomatters #belief #thoughtwork #icandoit #justdoit