Things just aren’t “the way they are”. Things are the way YOU are.
What you focus on, you become.
You’ve probably heard this saying, but let’s get clear on what it means.
In the simplest terms it means:
If you repeatedly think you can’t, then you don’t
If you repeatedly think you don’t have enough time, you don’t
If you repeatedly think you can’t let go, you don’t
If you repeatedly think there’s not enough, there’s not
If you repeatedly think you’re not enough, you believe it
If you repeatedly think you can, you do it
If you repeatedly think there’s enough time, there is
If you repeatedly think you can let go, you do
If you repeatedly think there’s enough for everyone, you either find it, or find you already have it
If you repeatedly think you’re enough, you believe it
Our thoughts hold all the power to our feelings, actions, and results.
This does not mean we can control all of the circumstances that happen outside of us.
But when we focus on what we CAN control…our thoughts, we become the hero of our story and we kick the victim to the curb.
It’s not easy.
But it can be done.
And it can change your life.