What we think and focus on expands.
Thinking about how nervous you are creates more nerves.
Thinking about how you HAVE to do something could bring feelings of dread or resentment.
Focusing on not knowing how to do something will not help you know how to do it.
And thinking about how much you want something that might not be good for you right now, makes you want it more.
Instead, focus on the things you actually want to expand…being excited, GETTING to do something, figuring things out and wanting the thing that’s good for you right now more than the other things.
This one is for me today as we had a pretty big mistake yesterday from one of our vendors.
My initial reaction was to get pretty frustrated and talk about it…a lot.
But that is just expanding my frustration.
So today, I’m focused on getting it corrected and even trying to come up with ideas for how to use the inventory that isn’t in line with our current inventory.
In the end, we may be able to donate it somewhere and put it to good use.
This feels so much better than expanding the negativity.
Here’s to being able to change our feelings with our thoughts!! Best super power out there!!!